Tribute to Double K

This T-Shirt is only available to order direct from my Teemill shop. See below link:
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Finally, my tribute to Double K from ‘People Under The Stairs’ is ready. The original art piece was made back in February 21’. Art that I never wanted to make, but it was my way of saying thanks for all the hours & hours of entertainment (& a lot of dancing at home!) Mike had given me over the years. I was lucky enough to meet him a couple of times at the Jazz Cafe in London, moments that I’ll always treasure. He loved the fans, he really did.
80% of profits will be going to Mike’s widow who will put them towards something linked to Mike. Ethel has supported me all the way with this project & for that I thank her from the bottom of my heart. Also a big thanks to Thes One for his support. We forever the P.
I’m not in a position to order a bunch of T-Shirts upfront, hence me using Teemill’s services. Everything is made from organic materials, using renewable energy, and designed from the start to come back and be remade when it’s worn out. Circular Economy for fashion, which I think we need more than most things these days.
Thanks Michael Turner…Double K…Big Mike…LA Mike…thanks for everything. You’ll never be forgotten 💙
Life is short, don’t waste it…